Tuesday, January 20, 2015

No Can Do

Recycling Reusing Is Stress Relief

Wow! I haven't posted anything in so long that my browser didn't even recognize the address.

Five lath based pieces are in the works. The only thing I've really been slacking on is getting good pictures, and sitting down long enough to put the final stamp on things. But, the hectic holiday season is over, and I'm out of excuses.


A few weeks ago, when temperatures plummeted to single digits, and our entryway became a place that was cool enough to hang meat, I started tinkering with the solar powered convection heater, the one that uses black soda cans to conduct and channel heat.

One problem, I didn't have any cans. We don't buy soda, and we don't drink beer. All I had on hand were pie pans.

The testing of my pie pan version led me to seek out cans. The efficiency of PPv1 is low, but I could see the benefit of waiting for the right parts.



Last weekend I tended bar at a wedding that only served four beverages, all in cans.

As with everything else, they have to be cleaned. So, I drew them a nice hot bath, let them soak quietly for a while. I may have lit a candle.

Then I turned them upside down to dry.

A Challenger!

Of course, such an arrangement couldn't last; 75 aluminum cans precariously balanced on the window sill over the bathtub were a cacophony waiting to happen. With two cats and a Cate, it could come at any time.

As soon as she saw it she asked... no, stated, that she wanted to knock them down. We agreed on a grace period during which they could continue drying, and on stipulation that a good record was made of the demolition.

Vent vs. Vent, Last Can Standing! With her frustrations in tow, Cate chose her wrecking ball.

...in 3.. 2..

Fun times! Now that they're clean and dry, I have to punch holes in the bottoms.

Until then...

Shaken, Not Stirred. More like this on the way.

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